Sustainable Properties
We are committed to reduce carbon emissions of our developments, working together with our suppliers to enhance innovation. We seek to continuously optimize our warehouses in accordance with the demands of the market and the latest technological innovations. We know that it is possible to build logistics properties in a sustainable and technologically advanced way, beneficial to both the environment and the wellbeing of the people who work at our locations.
"Sustainability is no longer optional, it's an imperative"

Green Certification
VGP targets an environmental certification for all of its new construction projects. We have our warehouses certified with BREEAM, or Build Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method. This process considers multiple categories such as management, energy, health, transportation, water management, waste management, materials, pollutions, land use and environment.
Next to BREEAM, we make use of DGNB, Deutsche Geselschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen, to assess our warehouses in Germany, Austria and Denmark.
Our aim is to have all our new developments certified with BREEAM Excellent or DGNB Gold.

EU Taxonomy
It is a priority to us to establish measures which align our portfolio with European climate objectives. That is why we are further working to verify our warehouses with the EU Taxonomy, a classification system defining an environmentally sustainable economic activity to reach the objectives of the European Green Deal. Furthermore, it helps investors and companies to make informed investment decisions for sustainable activities.
We already successfully received EU Taxonomy verifications among several of our warehouses in Europe for ‘construction of new buildings’, ‘acquisition and ownership of buildings’ and ‘installation, maintenance and repair of renewable energy technologies’. We are reporting both on eligible and aligned activities for EU Taxonomy.
Read our approach to the EU Taxonomy and its implications here.

Sustainable Construction Materials
As part of our commitment to reduce our construction carbon footprint, we focus on the choice and use of the materials for our development projects. Building sustainably also means adding sustainable materials to our construction design and lowering the carbon footprint of our buildings. To drive our sustainability efforts, the use of sustainable methods for our constructions will be increasingly important.
Specifically, this involves:
- Adopting a lean material construction approach right from the design phase
- Using new solutions and optimized low-carbon materials, such as low-carbon cement and concrete, bio-sourced materials or recycled materials
- Asking contractors to put forward alternative solutions with low-carbon content
- Adopting a purchasing policy that includes criteria for the carbon content of products and construction materials
One of the examples is the use of FSC certified timber as a sustainable resource for our building design. We have already integrated timber load-bearing structures for projects. Discover more here.

Transition to a circular economy in construction projects
In order to be compliant with the EU Taxonomy Do No Significant Harm – Transition to Circular Economy criterium the Group is transforming its approach to circular economy concepts:
Target of at least 70% (by weight) of the non-hazardous construction and demolition waste generated at site to be processed for reuse or recycled or otherwise recovered. In 2023, VGP recycled 80.2 % of the total construction waste at its construction sites.
Strict waste monitoring at construction sites, and implementation best practice activities to eliminate final waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use, and reduce the primary material consumption.
Leverage relationships with construction materials suppliers to raise awareness of sustainable construction and influence behaviour change towards circular economy practices.
Ensure the building design and construction technology support the circular economy by making the building resources efficient, adaptable, flexible and dismantlable.
Application of the BREEAM or DGNB certification standard to promote resource efficiency and lower emissions with products easier to maintain, reuse and recycle and having an eco-label and/or lower environmental impact (such as PEFC™ or FSC®-certified timber).

Supplier Collaboration
We collaborate strongly with our suppliers to know about their products’ carbon performance and their alternative solutions and to make sure we have the most advanced ways of constructing sustainably. This strong collaboration has been recognized by CDP, by adding us to their 2022 and 2023 Supplier Engagement Leaderboard of companies best engaging with their suppliers on climate change.

Brownfield Development
An increasing number of our construction projects are brownfield redevelopments to repurpose industrial wasteland. Brownfields are industrial wastelands, often old factories, formerly used for heavy industries or production processes. These brownfields often need decontamination works, which gives also environmental advantages for the area near the brownfield.
Next to decontamination works, brownfields often need demolition works to make it suitable for new constructions. Materials from these demolition works are often reused for new purposes. With brownfield developments, we therefore contribute to the positive development of local areas, as well as respond to the shortage and environmental considerations of greenfields. Additionally, these brownfields are often located on prime locations, near mayor cities, which makes them suitable for last mile delivery.
Performance: Sustainable Properties

VGP Sustainable building
Discover Our Parks
VGP’s assets offer high technical standards and great modularity for specific requirements of potential clients, with a particular focus on energy efficiency and sustainability. Explore our parks across Europe.
Do you have a question or you want to have more information? Do not hesitate to contact us.