Biodiversity is high on our agenda. We want to stimulate biodiversity by investing and protecting the natural environment at and around our parks.
Next to the biodiversity due diligence as part of the land acquisition and focus on brownfield developments to avoid new development built on greenfield land or recognized high biodiversity value, we have set out a new biodiversity strategy and have set the target that 100% of our development projects need to implement a biodiversity action plan.

Implementing Biophilic design
Whilst individual biodiversity improvement measures within our parks are increasingly implemented either as part of the design phase or during ongoing retrofits of the green spaces, a distinguishing feature of biophilic design is its emphasis on the overall setting or habitat and not a single or isolated occurrence of nature. When taking into account an integrated design, the ecosystem performs at a level greater than the sum of its individual parts.

VGP biodiversity strategy and taxonomy for existing parks
To protect and improve local biodiversity at standing assets, the Group developed an ecosystem enhancement safety measure, driven by:
the aim to align the portfolio with EU Taxonomy regulation, including the biodiversity and ecosystem protection criteria,
our continuous improvement philosophy within the scope of the Group’s Environmental Management System, and
the aim to increase the use of “green” spaces, either through enhancing existing green structures into biotopes or through enhancements such as green roofs, green walls, green parking lots.
Protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems for development projects
In addition to the biodiversity due diligence as part of the land acquisition, all development projects with a biodiversity value need to implement a biodiversity action plan.This plan is prepared by a qualified ecologist after assessment of the characteristics of the local biodiversity. The purpose is to avoid and reduce all impacts of the project on the local nature, and to implement a list of recommendations like the use of environmentally certified materials, designs for the façades advantageous for birds, and biodiversity compensation zones or initiatives, such as a tree plant program, beehives, insect hotels or biotopes.
Performance: Biodiversity

Highlighted Examples

Compensation Area at VGP Park München
At VGP Park München, we have made an ecological compensation area next to the park. The area has 24 hectares of fields, dry grasslands, flower strips and ponds. The northern part focuses on nature protection and the creation of habitats for amphibians, while the southern part focuses on the protection of special bird species, such as the endangered skylark. A great example of how we want to contribute to the conservation of the biodiversity and ecological balance of the communities where we operate.

Biotope at VGP Park Laatzen
At VGP Park Laatzen, we have implemented several biodiversity actions such as a large biotope to protect toads and other reptiles.

Beehives at VGP Park Lliça d'Amunt
At VGP Park Lliça d’Amunt, five beehives were installed on the rooftop, decorated with local plants and filled with a total of 250,000 bees to stimulate local biodiversity. The honey is collected by local beespecialists and donated to non profit organizations.

Biodiversity initiatives at VGP Park Gyor Beta
Identified through the biodiversity monitor as a park with an outsized potential for additional yielding biodiversity initiatives, an ecology study was conducted which identified several improvement measures to enhance and protect the existing ecosystem, particularly along the southern border of the park which is adjacent natural territory. Signs in the park will highlight the various ecosystems present, the initiatives taken to protect these and explain the relevance of such measures to any visitors.
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